2024 - here we come!

Another year down and it's been a good one! Highlights have been getting results for two very long-term special customers - CC and JS (JS I know you're waiting for the final file but it's with our bioinformatician as we speak).

The lab has the extraction as good as we can get it for the foreseeable future. We had hoped to have an agreement in place with FamilyTreeDNA by now but there have been changes there that have led to a loss of momentum on this issue. We will continue to chip away at this. In relation to loading files to other databases, we remind our customers that they need to conform to any database's Terms and Conditions.

Good news is that we've introduced a step in our process where we assess how much whole genome sequencing is required for a specific sample. This means that for some cases we can offer a reduced amount of sequencing which sees the cost come down by a few hundred $$. We advise you of this on a case-by-case basis and currently provide a discount code for those that need less sequencing. We'll be offering this as a standard option when checking out in 2024.

Our work brings us into contact with many wonderful people from all areas of the globe. It's a delight to work with you all.

Thank you all for your custom and we look forward to 2024!

totheletter DNA