A big year for totheletter DNA and Happy Holidays

We’re wrapping up 2022 with all our clients now up to date on their sample status. Our lab will be closing over the holiday period and new orders will be processed in the New Year.

We’ve had a good year and have achieved results of which we are proud. We now have a solid process in place for our samples from receipt to finalisation with turnaround times much faster.  

We obtained useable human DNA* from an 1880s birth caul. We found useable human DNA in envelopes from the 1950s. One of our customers was finally provided with an autosomal DNA file for her relative after sticking with us for three years. And we have delighted in providing other happy customers with an autosomal DNA file from their deceased relative for upload to GEDmatch.

We are always working to improve our outcomes for our clients and hope to introduce some new techniques in 2023 to achieve that. We are always happy to discuss client questions via info@totheletterDNA.com, so email us if you are considering submitting a sample.

Happy holidays to our wonderful customers and their families.

*sufficient to generate an autosomal DNA file that generates valid matches on GEDmatch.

totheletter DNA