Consistent results and successes

We’ve been quiet, but it’s not because there’s nothing happening!

Obtaining DNA from an envelope or stamp and generating an autosomal DNA file that provides genuine matches on GEDmatch is no small feat. Nevertheless, we’ve been bringing successful outcomes to many of our customers, each one a small miracle in itself. We are often dealing with sub-1 nanogram of DNA - keep in mind when you submit your own fresh swab or saliva to one of the big DNA family genealogy companies they have a base requirement of 200 nanograms of DNA - that’s a big difference!

We deal with each case with care and compassion. Our desire to achieve a successful outcome for our customers is only slightly less than the customer’s own. We believe our customers can attest to our commitment to do our very best with your relative’s artefact.

And don’t forget, if you have your relative’s hairbrush and the roots are on some of the hairs, we have a good chance of a successful outcome. We are not at this point accepting hair locks - until we can offer a consistent positive outcome to customers we’re holding off - but we are working towards that as well.

Our company has now been around for five years. Our key drivers moving forward are to improve results and to reduce our costs, and therefore our charge to our customers. We take a very small percentage of what our customers pay - we are very much motivated by a desire to bring you a successful outcome, rather than make profits for ourselves. When our costs come down, we will pass that on to our customers. Our extraction process has been refined to get the best possible DNA sample at this point in time. As far as our results go, we have a solid, repeatable process in place. Contact us today if you’d like to know more.

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